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Bushido Game board

Bushido Game board

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Green fingers

Tutoring 13
Skill 13
Idea 13
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It’s been hard to motivate myself the last days, due to extreme weather.
But I do want to finish this.
I’ve managed to fihure out the water effect on my side project. So that’s not really an excuse to finish this anymore…
If you want to know my findings there check here:

Water effect experiment side project

I still have to figure out how to enclose the sides of the board, so the resin doesn’t pour out. I’ll hit youtube for that. Lukesapps will surely yield results.
And I need to clean and paint my fish

I did manage to do the lawn.I did make a bit of a booboo.
One colour will probably be more realistic on a well kepped lawn, but it looks boring. I watered down PVA and, in patches, covered the brown parts.
Next I used  the following litle tool.

And I should have bought 2 of these. They're cheap as chips.And I should have bought 2 of these. They're cheap as chips.

Now I did one colour of grass and than the next. If I had 2 of these it would have allowed me to blend and make it more natural.
I might still do this, I made a mix of the two colours and maybe adding some more pva between the colours will allow me to make the difference slightly less striking.
Still, not horrid.

Green fingers
Green fingers

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