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New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

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Second model finished

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 15
Second model finished
Second model finished
Second model finished

So here is my second model. This time I tried the Snakebite Leather Contrast for the holster and pouches instead and I’m not quite sure which I prefer the lighter coloring looks more like real leather but I like the darker shade from the first model. I’ve also make the foregrip on the Bolter red instead of brown like the first model, considering that these are supposed to be pistols maybe more uniformity of color is in order.  I also think I might have put too much paint on the model as this one is considerable darker than the last, i’ll try to be more careful but it’s a mistake i’m probably going to keep making.


I’ve also tried just dabbing a little bit of leadbelchers in random spot to simulate a little bit of battle damage (there is only war after all) and i’m rather pleased with the aesthetic of it but i’m also afraid of over doing it and making some kind of marine Dalmatian.

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Michaelcrazyredcoat Recent comment authors
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Fantastic job, mate! I’m envious you’re doing so well on your first paintjobs; mine were awful! 😛 You mentioned the battle damage and I was wondering if you’ve heard of the sponging method for doing that sort of thing? It’s nice and quick and, with a bit of practice, looks great on the tabletop. I’m sure at least one of John’s tank painting videos here go over the technique. Keep up the great work, mate!

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