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Star Wars Rebels Painting

Star Wars Rebels Painting

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Time for a tournament

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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So it’s time again, to participate in a tournament. This time in the far North part of Denmark and traveling with some friends, and it’s gonna be fun.

792/800Leia Organa (Improvised Orders)
Rebel Troopers (SX-21 Trooper)
Rebel Troopers
Fleet Troopers (Scatter Gun Trooper)
Fleet Troopers (Scatter Gun Trooper)
Rebel Troopers
Rebel Troopers
Wookiee Warriors (Bowcaster Wookiee)
Wookiee Warriors (Bowcaster Wookiee)
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) (DH-447 Sniper)

Coordinated Bombardment (1), Sabotaged Communications (1), No Time for Sorrows (2), Push (2), Somebody Has to Save Our Skins (3), Covering Fire (3), Standing Orders (4)

Deployments: Disarray, Advanced Positions, Major Offensive, Battle Lines
Objectives: Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Recover the Supplies, Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions
Conditions: Rapid Reinforcements, Limited Visibility, Clear Conditions, Hostile Environment

I will try to take some picture, tomorrow and explain my tactics! ?

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