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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Have Gun Will Travel

Tutoring 10
Skill 17
Idea 15
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I’ve finished the Ferret Mercenary and she increases the firepower of my collection considerably. She looks like a right dead eye and capable of inflicting some serious damage.   With her fashion sense and lovely plume I thought her the perfect companion for the Bulldog and Shrew so painted her to match.  Since I haven’t actually played the game yet I can’t say I’m basing these decisions on anything but aesthetics as characters seem to be able to team up in any combination that works at the moment.

Have Gun Will Travel
Have Gun Will Travel
Have Gun Will Travel
Have Gun Will Travel
Have Gun Will Travel
Have Gun Will Travel

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Cult of Games Member

Absolutely beautiful. At the end of a tough day looking at your works of art give me a genuine smile. Thank you ?.

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