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Burrows & Badgers - Painting & Gaming

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Painting Burrows & Badgers Grimdark Style

Tutoring 12
Skill 16
Idea 16

I thought I would pick up another miniature from Burrows & Badgers and try a different style of paint job on it, one which is a bit more grimdark.

Painting Burrows & Badgers Grimdark Style

I still started with a Wraithbone undercoat as I find it easier to see the details on the miniature compared to undercoating the miniatures in black. This then led me to work on choosing the right colours for this Hare and Mist-ghast.

After about an hour and a half I got them to this position. The Hare has all of his fur finished and the start of the bronze armour in the works. Shortly after this, I washed the miniature but I’ll come back to that as part of my live stream on Sunday (give me a follow HERE!).

The Mist-ghast was also painted up with some darker colours with grey for its ruined tabard followed by regular iron/steel for the chainmail and such. You’ve also got the darker bone in there too.

Painting Burrows & Badgers Grimdark Style

All of this will get highlighted up away from the Nuln Oil eventually and then I’m going to work on doing the green balefire for the miniature which should provide a wonderful contrast to the undead miniature.

I am then going to play around with some rust effects using a flesh tone wash AND also see about adding some blood to the sword of the Hare to make it feel extra grimdark.

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zorgbrennon144artistdonimator Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I like the grittier style for this range as it works great with the detail. I did all of mine this style as it was a good match for my terrain, too. I didn’t realize how dark I went until I won a Critter Kingdoms painted mini from the 2018 NOVA charitable auction – project here –> . It came beautifully painted in bright, vibrant colours, making my minis look like they were sleeping rough under a hedge for a few nights.

Duplicate your whole collection in this style and do mirror matches!

Cult of Games Member

I am loving the weathering on the hare’s armor. Looks like he’s been through the wars.

Cult of Games Member

Great work on your figures especially the bases Ben.

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