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Mantic Games Goblin Army

Mantic Games Goblin Army

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1000 points of goblins finished (all infantry)

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 9

I know it’s been a bit quiet of late between all my other projects (finishing the enforcers army was the big one) but I’m finally back in goblin town and I have now at last finished all the infantry for my base 2000 points of goblins I’d like to have done by years end! Now that I’m free of rank upon rank of basic troops I can finally just paint trolls, mawbeasts and my mincers! Stay tuned as I tackle the trolls next!

1000 points of goblins finished (all infantry)
1000 points of goblins finished (all infantry)

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kharegimAvernos Recent comment authors
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best clear the old ones out before the new are released 😉

Is that 3 hordes and a legion, or 5 hordes? either way that’s a terrific looking set of little gobbos

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