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Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

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"Catelyn would sooner Lord Umber had seen fit to stay sober, but telling the Greatjon not to drink was like telling him not to breathe for a few hours."

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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It seems fitting to me that the next model I work on is Greatjon Umber who is a character I have always enjoyed. The quote in the title alone is a good enough reason for me, but also being almost 6’6″ myself he is something of a fun chap that I’d enjoy getting drunk under the table with.

He's a really nice mini, too, which makes it even better!He's a really nice mini, too, which makes it even better!

This time round, I have made sure that I have caught as many mould lines as can be found and while the plastic used in these minis is not the same as a GW mini, I find that the tools work well enough, though make sure, like the Boltons, that your blades are sharp! There was also a happy accident that will make painting just that little bit easier, too!

Accidental sub assembly! These minis are supposed to be single piece, but I'm guessing the insane heat during delivery just knocked this a bit loose.Accidental sub assembly! These minis are supposed to be single piece, but I'm guessing the insane heat during delivery just knocked this a bit loose.

Obviously, this chap will be very similar to the other Umbers I’ve done, but there are a few details that I have decided to make stand out. First off, the bear pelt over the shoulders is going to be either a black or brown bear just to make my Mors Umber look a bit special, still, and the hair colour will have a bit more work to it than the basic berserkers, just to help him look more ‘special’. I pulled a reference picture from the Wiki of Ice and Fire page for the Greatjon just to have some inspiration for the hair, but we will see what I come up with in the end. I could even try basing it off our own Gerry’s hair colour…who knows?

As the vast majority of this mini will be repeats of previous ‘tutorials’, I probs won’t bother too much with going through every step, but once he’s finished we can move on to something else other than Umbers! Perhaps some Starks, or maybe a Lannister or Clegane…how mysterious of me…NOT!

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