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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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My Humble Gratitude for a Golden Button

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 13

I’m grateful, humbled, and inspired by the Golden Button recognition my minis painting in this blog earned.  I am regularly impressed with the projects highlighted as such so am delighted to find my own work among them.   Like everyone in the entire world right now, I struggle with the new reality we find ourselves in and despite lots of time to work on hobby, my creative spirit has been sorely tested and my artistic energy seems to evaporate.  This community has offered not just an escape into game news and tutorials but a huge variety of genres, skills, interests, plus an amazing amount of support and positive energy that recharges my batteries.  Not only do I feel safe posting my work here but energized to get more done because I want to share what this community inspires in me.  It was the amazing work in numerous project blogs, in the first place, that made me want to paint these as well as @brennon’s enthusiasm on Weekenders.


So, in brief, thank you for the energy, inspiration, and compliments in how I used both.

My Humble Gratitude for a Golden Button

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zebraoutriderRobertninjilly Recent comment authors
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Very well deserved!


Well deserved, your acceptance speech didn’t bring a tear to my eye at all! Can’t wait to see more.

Cult of Games Member

Continue to inspire…??

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