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On the Trail of Cthulhu

On the Trail of Cthulhu

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Investigators Arrive on the Scene

Tutoring 6
Skill 12
Idea 9
Investigators Arrive on the Scene

The investigators of Cthulhu Death May Die core box are quite diverse and were a blast to paint, as a unique diversion from my usual regiment of fantasy or scifi warriors. They also provided me with a great opportunity to try out Citadel contrast paints.

Note: I wish I could figure out why all my photos are posted sideways. Let me know if you have a trick to straighten them.

Elizabeth gave me then opportunity top try the yellow contrast paint and I must say I was impressed. Skin color was a bit of a problem and I used a mix of Darkoath Flesh and Wildwood, I still prefer my Foundry skin tones but that was not the goal of the experiment.Elizabeth gave me then opportunity top try the yellow contrast paint and I must say I was impressed. Skin color was a bit of a problem and I used a mix of Darkoath Flesh and Wildwood, I still prefer my Foundry skin tones but that was not the goal of the experiment.
Lord Adam Benchley was rather straightforward and I played with his stareLord Adam Benchley was rather straightforward and I played with his stare
Rasputin gave me an opportunity to play with fireRasputin gave me an opportunity to play with fire
Borden's dress was painted using Blood Angel contrast and a lot of patience with a fine brush and orange paint...Borden's dress was painted using Blood Angel contrast and a lot of patience with a fine brush and orange paint...
Fatima Safar offered many contrast test opportunities and she was technically the first of the investigators I painted. Still not in love with the face  details but from a distance (AKA playing the game) she is fineFatima Safar offered many contrast test opportunities and she was technically the first of the investigators I painted. Still not in love with the face details but from a distance (AKA playing the game) she is fine
Sergeant Ian Welles is very straightforward to paint and provides a good deal of backstory questions that may be welcome for a Call of Cthulhu RPG character background.Sergeant Ian Welles is very straightforward to paint and provides a good deal of backstory questions that may be welcome for a Call of Cthulhu RPG character background.
The Kid and John Morgan were fun to paint (well, despite the myriad of little white dots on the Kid's dress. In retrospect, I would have created more contrast in Morgan's clothes but I wanted to stick with the Indiana Jones look.The Kid and John Morgan were fun to paint (well, despite the myriad of little white dots on the Kid's dress. In retrospect, I would have created more contrast in Morgan's clothes but I wanted to stick with the Indiana Jones look.
Last but not least Sister Beth and Ahmed Yasin gave me an opportunity to try out Black Templar contrast and some mix of Skeleton Horde (I could not remember the other component). The miniature are quire thematic, despite their lack of dynamic posing (I like Ahmed's pose in the art book better than that of his miniature).Last but not least Sister Beth and Ahmed Yasin gave me an opportunity to try out Black Templar contrast and some mix of Skeleton Horde (I could not remember the other component). The miniature are quire thematic, despite their lack of dynamic posing (I like Ahmed's pose in the art book better than that of his miniature).

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Pierre Gravelatzorgninjillyzebraoutrider Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great eye for detail, especially on the ladies’s outfits. Really impressive. ?


Really excellent job painting these, they look fantastic. As @zebraoutrider says, esp on the women’s clothing.

Cult of Games Member

congratulations your figures are fabulous @taochi

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