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Collins Does Afghanistan 2013-2014

Collins Does Afghanistan 2013-2014

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More Mobility and Battletaxies

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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It’s not all about mastiffs and foxhounds. Sometimes you’re just one man needing to get somewhere, or move some supplies around the place, for that you can just use a trusty quad bike.

The paint jobs for these were the same as all the other vehicles and men so there is no point in me going through that again! It did however mean i could finish off the top cover for the mastiffs and take some decent pictures.

More Mobility and Battletaxies
More Mobility and Battletaxies
More Mobility and Battletaxies
More Mobility and Battletaxies
More Mobility and Battletaxies
More Mobility and Battletaxies

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