Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist
What'll You Have, Folks?
The Rabbit Tavern Keeper is especially characterful. Besides just looking as tough as a rabbit can the details of his nicked ear and missing left foot really take him over the top. I added a little staining on his apron but he looks like the veteran that keeps everything in his life clean and buttoned down, in true military fashion. He is proudly wearing the medals he earned durning his time in service after all. Even retired and having only one foot (“I kept the lucky one”, he says) he looks like he would be formidable in a fight and don’t even think about starting something in his tavern.
Keep her lit (as we say over here), they are looking fantastic.
Thanks again, your blog was one of them that made me want to paint these guys.
You continue to bring these miniatures to life with your keen eye for detail. Brilliant! How long does it take you to paint and base the typical figure?
Thank you so much for the ongoing support. It means a lot. If I have a solid idea of color scheme and reference for the animal I can get one finished from primer in 1-2 hours, size depending. The tiny mouse was only 45 minutes.