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Bobs Fictional Countries

Bobs Fictional Countries

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Time Lines

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We were talking about Alternate time lines on Warrens Cult Radio show on Discord and I mentioned the Authors Jerry Pournellles uses for many of his sci fi novels in his Co-Domininum – 2nd Empire history .

So in an attempt to pull it all together and Warrens Timeline here is my 1st rough draft at the events leading up to my particular war included bits were Warren can slide off for Arabistan

Its in early stages and by no means finished, ideas and criticism from all particulalry James Oriskany welcome

Updated 31/7/20 done some more work on below, still work in progress , interestingly as I look to make changes in time line find that events can be effected in a ripple effect by earlier events , such as for Warrens timeline , how would the American attempt to free the hostages in Iran in 1980 have changed the timeline if it has succeeded , would it have made the formation of Arabistan more likely ?

Update 5/8/20

Getting near to final draft, added a few entrys to timeline to explin volgan population increase in Mid 50’s to 1990’s and started date the period leading up to the outbreak of war. Bit of tidying up of grammer and spelling.

Update 6/8/20

Got to thinking may have stabilised middle East a bit to much , so re-introduced elements which may re-ignite the various conflicts.

Hope to re-introduce the Invasion of Kuwait , as as it stands would Saddam have needed to invade if he had control of Arabistan oil fields. hence Islamic overthrow of Pro Iraqi regime in Arabistan.

update 13/8/20

Re done above and got Timeline up to 1993 with 1st Gulf war beginning roughly 22 months later than it did historically

this nearly caused a hiccup as wasnt sure who the respective U.S. President and British P.M. as would the Western Intervention happened without Thatcher pushing Bush, but allowed that John Major and George Bush would have still intervened though it may have taken a bit longer for them to react.

For those awaiting more models should an update at weekend with how I’m using my new U.S and French buys. I’ve also tried to sort out the strange font changes , grammatical and odd typing/spelling errors .


Time Lines
20.45 million years bc Continental  drift continues the continental rift is a minor          rather than major rift , reducing amounts of seismic activity volcano forms island of Dunheep in Eastern med with surrounding islands of Volga , Mercia and Cantbearsed.


1600 BC Santorini eruption, Tidal wave wipes out most of developing civilisations of Volga and Mercia,  Dunheep island being ancient volcanic caldera protects small population ..
500-100 Islands populated by Egyptians Greeks and Roman settler as empires rise and fall
8th to 12th century AD Islands invaded by waves of Vikings, Danes and Normans


1535 AD Great Greek revolt , earlier Norse settlers reduced to Island of Mercia

Greek faction split into minor city states a Duchies after liberation.

1910 Vast oil fields discovered beneath Mercian
1939 Mercia remains neutral but vastly increases military spending
 Sept 1940 Volga invaded by Italian’s. small Volgan independent Duchies put up little resistance
Aug 30th 1943 German units take over from Italians on Volga and neighbouring Islands
Sept 1944 El-Liberatror starts campaign to liberate Volga from Germans
Jan 1945 Last German Garrison Volga surrenders to liberation Forces, formation of Volgan Combine
1946-1949 Third and final phase of Greek Civil War Communist KKE and military arm DSE defeated, large majority of survivors re-locate to Volgan confederation swelling the Islands population
Aug 1950 Malyana Island part of Dutch East Indies gains independence in Post WW2 re-reorganisation, despite independence still retains much of its Dutch Colonial  influences retaining Dutch ruling classes.
1952 Mercia signs series of trade treaties with Israel and Shah in Iran , secretly agrees to supply Israel with oil
14 Sept 1956 Birth of Adam Robert Mallot on Malyana
2 jan 1957 Birth of John Patrick Trevalion in Cornwall England
1973 6-25 oct Yom Kippur War, attempts by Arab nations to raise oil prices  and put pressure on Western Countries to reduce support for Israel . Proposed Oil prices raise blocked by Mercians, who increase oil production to  cope. The removal of threat to West reduces greatly inflation reducing the pressure on World trade  particularly  on costs of producing and developing military tech  increasing not only its availability but speed in which it it introduced.
1974 2- Jul to 18 Aug Turkish Invasion of Cyprus prompts Volgan  & Mercian Re-arming ad military re-organisation , El Liberator encourages various world revolutionary groups to train in Volga at Soviet  Russia’s request including various Iranian revolutionaries
1978 Adam Mallot enrols at Sandhurst  1st meeting between Adam Mallot and John Trevalion
1979 Jan 16 Iranian Revolution Shah abandons Iran
1980 24 April Operation Eagle Claw by American Delta force succeeds in rescuing 50 of  the 52 hostages from  Embassy  by Iranian Students , showcasing a lot of U.S. miltaries new tech with advanced new prototype helicopters .  This Operation greatly undermines  Ayotalla Khomeni’s prestige and authority in Iran.
1980 30th April Iranian Embassy Siege by the Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Arabistatan  heavily trained by Volgan military,  It is determined by British Special Forces that military intervention  would be extremely risky,  as such Britain, U.S. and Soviet Union place political pressure  on Volga ,aware of its backing of the revolutionaries .  El Liberator the Volgan Chancellor  use’s opportunity to look good  in eyes of World, and negotiates a diplomatic solution by  persuading the Iranian Revolutionaries to surrender to the police. In return they gain (secret ) military aid for their cause and get political recognition by Volga. Khomeni’s hold on Iran continues to fragment
1980 22 Sept Iraq invades Iran , during confusion ,Arabistan militants orchestrate a major Arab rebellion in Provinces of Khuzestan  ,  Iraqi and  Volgan ‘peacekeepers’ units are aided by Arabistan  uprising in securing new Arabistan nation.
1981 Jan 5th -6 June ‘Battle of Dezful’  Iranian’s remaining  Armoured forces destroyed completely , although initially successful in breaking through Iraqi  (in Iran’s last offensive of war) lines ,  their advance  is  blocked  initially by Iraqi reinforcements , and  then are totally surprised and trapped  by arrival of  heavily armoured Volgan units. These use the opportunity to destroy the remaining Iranian Forces and begin their own counter offensive.  This massacre leads to the the impeachment of President Banisadr,  ennobling at the  same time   Islamic Marxist Mujaheddin e-Khalq . This group uses his impeachment  as a beacon that begins  a major insurgency in Iranian cities . Aided by Volgan Special Forces a surprise raid is mounted on Ayotollah Khomeini’s compound which  succeeds  in taking him hostage. Subjected to Volgan and Soviet brain washing, his health collapses and he calls on all Iranians to surrender which effectively ends all Iranian  resistance.Iran becomes fragmented and Arabistan  is formerly recognised by Volga and Iraq.


1982 2nd April Argentine Invasion of Falklands
1982 5th May El Liberator Dies , succeed by To Tyranno
1982 “1 May John Trevalion lands with Blues & Royals , Adam  Mallot attached  as Military Observer
1982 June to  Sept Israeli’ Operation Peace ‘ invasion of Lebanon whilst world focused on final days of  Falklands war
1882 14th June Argentine  Forces surrender at Port Stanley
Time Lines
Sept 1982-Jan 1984 Islamic uprising on Island on Malyana against Dutch elite, Malyana military. This force is led ed by mainly politically appointed officers from who fail miserably to effectively put down uprising with only some local success under a Major Alvis Mallot, a Sandhurst trained son of an English Plantation Manager.
Feb 1984 In effort to reverse above, Malyana hires foreign mercenaries to put down rebellion under the command of Newly Promoted Colonel Mallot. They are initially equipped with mainly American Vietnam era equipment.
Feb 1984 to Jan 1986 Mallot’s Mercenaries dubbed Mallots Marauders(or Manglers) by the press, win a series of bloody  and often controversial  victories over Islamist insurrectionists in a similar style to British Malaya campaign, ending with total surrender of  Islamist leadership
 15 Aug 1986 Attempt by Malayna Government to Arrest Mallot and Destroy Manglers without honouring mercenary contracts at staged Victory parade are hwarted when Manglers captures government and destroy much of Malayana military in the rocess before escaping Island on previously Mercian arranged transport .
Sept 1986 to 1990 Manglers fight in numerous Insurgency campaigns around world’s trouble spots, they gain a  reputation for ruthless efficiency in both putting down or supporting rebellions depending on the employer. Third world nations nearly bankrupting themselves in process, thuogh the factions involved generally feel it would be far worse to lose.
1990 Mercia granted mineral exploration rights to Dunheep Island with agreement of Duheeps various faction . Mallots Manglers re-hired by Mercians
25 oct 1990 Marxist  regime (puppet Iraqi regime) in Arabistan deposed by Islamist revolutionaries supported from Afghanistan . Iraqi blocked in U.N. from Interfering due to pressure from both Saudi Arabia , Kuwait and remnants of Iran.
Jan 1991 Mercian Oil declares it has found vast deposits of Oil ,Iron Ore and Manganese below the surface of Dunheep, Volga protests to U.N over  Mercian Imperialism , threatens to intervene to liberate the inhabitants. Tension temporary defused by two Superpowers.

British Government impressed by Manglers success (also aware of possible consequences of U.S/Soviet talks)is  under pressure to reduce its its military budget. forms its own mercenary Regiment  Command is given to a Lt. Colonel ‘recently ‘retired’ John Trevalion, East Riding Yeomanry formed

Dec 1991 Bilateral arms treaty between USA expand to not only to reduce nuclear strategic wpns but a an agreement by both powers to limit to direct military support in the third world and middle East , effectively cutting off direct wpns supplies to both middle east and faction in Med.
Feb 1991 Success of Manglers ferments the raising of numerous copies. Mercenary ary units of mixed quality and size   appear all over the world, the better units are raised  by various national Governments following the British example ( encouraged by both U.S. and Soviets within their spear of interes). Mercenaries often used by many emerging nations due to the new  limitation  of military aid by superpowers . Contract violations by both employer and employee’s forces U.N. to form a Mercenary Bureau to regulate the use of such units.
25-30 Dec 1991 Lowering for last time of hammer and Sickle flag over Kremlin, Mikhail Gorbachev resigns and newly Independent Russian State formed.

Volgan Army mobilisise and begins series of ‘military Excercises ‘over Xmas Period.

Adam Mangler claims dispute with Mercian Government and Manglers officially leave Island .

France’s President  Mitterand secretly approaches British Prime Minister and French ‘mercenary’ units are attached to Mallots Manglers

Jan 1991 Saddam Hussian of Iraq accuses Kuwaiti and Unite Arab Emirates of economic warfare with their oil production as Iraq’ economy is still suffering from lack of influence in Arabistan.
1st Jan 1992  


Mercia depoys military units to protect interests on Dunheep Island stating they were requested by Dunheep factions!

East Riding Yeomanry beging deploying to Dunheep in secret deal between Mercia and Great Britain

Ton Tyranno protests at above and now  free of Soviet Pressure declares Dunheep a protectorate of Volga begins preparing units for Invasion Island but also beefs up units across the strait between Volga and Mercia

1st Feb 1992 Volgan forces land on Dunheep,and are surprised by usually strong resistance  from Dunheep militias
4th Feb 1992 1st light engagement between Mercian and Volgan Forces at small crossroads 40 miles from coast, Despite winning initial engagement fall back in the face of massive Volgan Reinforcements
6th Feb 1992 Volgan advance in Dunheep halted by advance elements  of East Riding Yeomanry over  19 Volgan tanks  are destroyed  for the loss of 3 Yeomanry (later retrieved and repaired)

Mercian Heavy Guards launch surprise attack across the Strait of St Kevin ,the Isthmus separating Merca from Volga. Initially catching Volgan units  deploying ,in the confusion they advance several miles into island before the  Volgan’s manage to stem the advance .

7th Feb 1992 Remaining Volgan units in Volga rushed south to push back invasion .

Iraq accuses Kuwait of stealing oil from Rumaila oil field near Iraq-Kuwaiti border , and threatens military action , hoping that war in Med will divert attention

8th Feb  1992 Mallots Marauders land on the North of Volga and launch major raid on military and industrial infrastructure
9th Feb 1992 One sided Battle of ‘Marmalada Marmeledas destroys most of the trainees from the Megalo Pavlo Tanks school , all facilities then burned by Marausers as they continued  raid
10th Feb 1992  Volgan Forces in Dunheep advance halted as 50% of forces withdraw and re-embark for redeployment on home island .
Time Lines
2nd June 1992 100,000 Iraqi Troops invade Kuwait , U.N. security council condemns invasion of Kuwait , President Bush and John Major pledge to send troops to Saudi Arabia
6  June  1992 International Sanctions imposed by U.N. on Iraq
8 June 1992 Operation Desert Shield is launched by U.S.
20 June 1992 82 British Nationals are taken hostage in Kuwait
17 Aug 1992 226,000 allied troops are stationed in Gulf region
17 nov Desert storm phase begins with massive air attacks on Iraq
2nd Jan  1993 Allied forces invade Both Kuwait and Iraq
6th Jan 1994 President Bush ceases advance on liberating Kuwait and declares ceasefire.
Time Lines

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bobcockayneoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Wow, @bobcockayne! I know I said to predate the alternate timeline’s initial event back a little to allow a plausible narrative shift – but 20.45 million years? 😀 That’s going waaaaaay back!

Seriously though, great work. I especially like those LAVs earlier in the thread.

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