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PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

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The Female Fighters

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 11
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The Female Fighters

Here is the next five, female fighters from the streets of Rome. from right to left, first up is Septimus, her accent takes a drunken tour of most of Rome’s eastern provinces, she claims to be a posh girl gone awry she flouts an unqualified pedigree whilst slamming some unlucky lecherous drunkard into the cobbles with a table leg or discarded thigh bone. Next along is Octavus, perhaps an escaped slave perhaps a runaway child, don’t take her slight form and innocent face for a pushover, this fighter is handy with a sling and ruthless in a bar brawl. Normally found in a tatty tunic any gang could benefit from her speed and aggression. In the middle is Sextus, her race and social status is a mystery seen frequenting the bars of lower Esquiline hill as quick with her wit as she is with a dagger. She knows her targets and when to strike or simply fade into the mob. the fourth along is Nonus, a fearsome warrior, rumoured to be descended from queen Hippolyta this daughter of Mars is not known to run from a fight, just don’t expect her to play fair! The last one is Decimus, with a slight wink and a furtive glance, this fighter is not quite what you expect. A strong independent woman she is a dagger in the night. Skilled in combat should she have been born a man a peerless soldier of the legions. But content to show the men of Rome the errors of their ways!

The Female Fighters

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