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Stark outriders + horses

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment
Stark outriders + horses

Prime the figure black

!!! Paint rider first then the horse !!!


Metal parts

1.         Drybrush in gun metal (Army painter = AP)

2.         Drybrush in shining silver (AP)



3.         Basecoat in ferrision grey (Citadel paints = CP)

4.         Shade in coelia green schade (CP)

5.         Layer in Ferrision grey (CP)

6.         Edge highlight in hoeth blue (CP)


Leather parts (also parts of saddle/saddle straps)

7.         Basecoat in Leather brown (AP)

8.         Shade in agrax earth shade (CP)

9.         Highlight in desert yellow (AP)

10.       Edge highlight in karrak stone (CP)


Parts in wood (can also use for the beard)

11.        Basecoat in drybark (CP)

12.       Shade in agrax earth shade (CP)

13.       Drybrush in grothoor brown (CP)

14.       Edge highlight or light drybrush in bane blade brown (CP)


Under cloth

15.       Basecoat in khorn red (CP)

16.       Shade in red tone (AP)

17.       Highlight in dragon red (AP)

18.       Highlight in Wild rider red (CP)



19.       Basecoat in mournfang brown (CP)

20.       Shade in soft tone (AP)

21.       Highlight/drybrush in karak stone (CP)

22.       Drybrush in longbeard grey (CP)



Emblems and boots

23.       Basecoat in math black (AP)

24.       Edge hghlight in eshin grey (cp)


Cuffs and cloth on saddle

25.       Basecoat in zandri dust (cp)

26.       Shade in agrax earth shade (cp)

27.       Layer in tallarn sand (cp)

28.       Layer in Screaming skull (cp)


Skin tone

29.       Basecoat bugman’s glow (cp)

30.       Shade in reiklands flesh shade (cp)

31.       Layer/highlight in cadian  fleshtone (cp)

32.       Edge highlight in kislev flesh (cp)




  Pinto horse



1.         Basecoat white or screaming skull (cp) choose a warm or cold feel

2.         Outline the patterns with skrag brown (cp)

3.         Fill in the patterns with skrag brown (cp)

4.         Shade only the patterns with agrax earth shade (cp)

5.         Highlight the pattern with skrag brown (cp)


Tail and mane on white areas

1.         Basecoat in celestra grey (cp)

2.         Drybrush in ulthan grey (cp)

3.         (if basecoat skin is screaming skull) drybrush with screaming skull


Tail and mane on brown areas

1.         Basecoat in math black (ap)

2.         Drybrush in dawnstone grey (cp)

Notes: If screaming skull is basecoat on the skin also shade the skin in step 4.

                 Also try the white.



  Dark brown horse



1.         Basecoat black

2.         Layer in rhinox hide (cp)

3.         Layer/highlight in doombull brown (cp)

4.         Shade the whole model in agrax earth shade (cp)

5.         Highlight in doombull brown (cp)


Tail and mane

1.         Basecoat in math black (ap)

2.         Drybrush in dawnstone (cp)

3.         Shade in nuln oil (cp)

4.         Light drybrush/highlight in dawnstone (cp)


Notes: Step 3 on the skin can also be drybrush but the result will be less but quicker.

                  Very easy method against very good result to paint a horse.



  Light dapple horse (ash grey color scheme)



1.         Basecoat in white color (also tail & maine)

2.         Layer in ash grey (ap)

3.         Shade with 1:1 mix water with dawnstone (cp)

4.         Highlight in ulthan grey (cp)

5.         Stipple with 1:1 mix water with dawnstone (cp)

6.         Stipple with 1:1 mix water with ash grey (ap)

7.         Stipple with 1:1 mix water with ulthan grey (cp)


Tail and mane

1.         Basecoat in dawnstone (cp)

2.         Drybrush ash grey (ap)

3.         Shade in nuln oil (cp)

4.         Light drybrush/highlight in ash grey (ap)

Notes: I did the stippling overall but you also can do it only on the high places.

                 Try also other method: change ash grey to administratum grey in all steps.





  Tan/beige horse (own color scheme)



1.         Basecoat in white

2.         Layer in leather brown (ap)

3.         Layer/highlight in dessert yellow (ap)

4.         Shade in mid brown ink (ap)


Tail and mane

1.         Basecoat in zandri dust (cp)

2.         Drybrush in screaming skull (cp)

3.         Shade in agrax earth shade (cp)

4.         Light drybrush in screaming skull (cp)


Notes: Own color scheme with nice pattern in typical tan/beige color



























Painting details on horses



1.         Basecoat in math black (ap)

2.         Drybrush in eshin grey (cp)


  Lips/mouth area


Dark skin tone

1.         Basecoat math black (ap)

2.         Drybrush eshin grey (cp)


Mid skin tone

1.         Basecoat in cadina flesh (cp)

2.         Shade in flesh wash (ap)


Light skin tone

1.         Basecoat kislev flesh (cp)

2.         Shade in flesh wash (ap)


Notes: Use the same shade from the skin to darker the mouth area & inside of the ears





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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on the figures @frederique555 well deserved gold button job.

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