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Bushido Game board

Bushido Game board

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Not a lot of progress

Tutoring 12
Skill 11
Idea 11
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I managed to get a black wash on the mainboard yesterday. The stones ended up lighter than I planned, but I like it.
If I wanted it darker I’d just add some more wash. I did end up touching up same places.
My youngest helped me on this all. Since it was nothing more than splashing on some very watered down cheap acrylic, he was more than up to the task and it was a nice father/son moment.
When dry, I hit the stairs and tiles with two drybrushes: very light grey and white, using a cheap brush bought at what might be a pound store in the UK.

Not a lot of progress

I also managed to get some work done on the bamboo. First I covered the bases in some old spices I had lying around, giving my Japanese scenery a oddly Italian smell. When this was dry I covered it in watered down pva, hopefully making the pieces less hunger inducing. This morning I covered the sides in the cut-offs from the bamboo I saved. Letting it spill over the sides, assuming this will hide the seems a bit when place on an uneven surface

Not a lot of progress

The zen garden showed some warping this  morning, so I carefully placed some (none to heavy) books on it for a few more hours, It did seem to have dried nicely. To make it a bit more durable, I covered this too in watered down pva.
I also did this with the pieces my son made, including his own little project

Considering I had never worked with water effects, I then started a little side project, so I wouldn’t ruin this on my first attempt.
Look here if you’re interested:

Basic build

Not a lot of progress

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