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In A Galaxy not that far away.

In A Galaxy not that far away.

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And Naming the Walkers

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Now I have nearly finished the Walkers what shall I call them.

Well they will start naturally with AT for all Terrain

Then for the one with the

‘Don’t point those guns at my Planet’

AT-SG (Seige Gun) nicknamed ‘Warren’ by the Clones

The 4 barrelled or ‘pew pew’ as Gerry has nicknamed it

AT-MT (multi gun tank) or ‘Justin’

The Troop Transports are

AT-LT (Land Transport) as the walkers clone find the most practical its been nicknamed the Lloydy!


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Cult of Games Member

Love your project figures especially your kitbash on the walkers @bobcockayne

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