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Bushido Game board

Bushido Game board

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Bamboo and a kids enthousiasm

Tutoring 12
Skill 11
Idea 12
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Once again, minding polarity, I had stuck some magnets on some cereal box. I had tried the washers and it did not seem strong enough. I had expected this. The magnets are pretty strong, but it is covered my a hard layer. I did not wanted them to be pulled out of either the board or the bamboo pieces, so I covered up both sides.
When the glue was dry I cut the cardboard to size. Covered this with some left over pieces of sturodur and roughly cut this to size.

Bamboo and a kids enthousiasm
Bamboo and a kids enthousiasm

In the meantime I started cleaning some bamboo I got of e-bay. I plan to do some washes and airbrush on this, so I wanted to make sure there was no release agent or anything on them. Dish soap and hot water, it was. I also twisted every bigger piece to have a better dispersal of the leaves. They where very symetrical.
I cut them to several sizes, being a bit long for what I wanted, removing some of the lower leaves. I did save the cut offs for later, though.
Poking some holes in the bases I stuck 5-6 shoots on each one of them

Bamboo and a kids enthousiasm
Bamboo and a kids enthousiasm

In the meantime, my 9 year old was shadowing me. Asking questions and showing loads of interest. The inevitable “Can I help” followed suit.
A bit of a dilemma. I want this project to a certain level, and while he’s very creative and has amazing skills for his age ( you should see his paper-craft) they are not up to what I am planning.
I do want to fuel his enthusiasm, though, and it doesn’t feel right to let him make something and than just put it away. But this garden might look better with some little rock scatter, so I put him up to that.

Bamboo and a kids enthousiasm

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