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Blood Red Skies Germans

Blood Red Skies Germans

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The FW190A Shrike Squadron is complete!

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5

I look forward to adding more later in the year, if you want to see the colour choices I made for this scheme check out the video tutorial linked in a post below.

1941 France, something new moves through the night skies, with the Batlle of Britain lost, the Luftwaffe begins a new bid to take the skies of Europe….a flight of FW 190 A transitting to their new base see an enemy air patrol below. With the skill of veteran pilots, they quickly form up and dive. Guns blaze as they tear into the two Allied aircraft, it’s over in moments and two heavy smoke trails lead to the torn wrecks of the enemy patrol. The Shrikes climb back to a cruising altitude and get back on course. The Battle of Britain may be over but the battle for the skies of Europe has only just begun!

Happy hobbying everyone!

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Cult of Games Member

Great finish to the squadron @noyjatat !

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