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Irish SAGA

Irish SAGA

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Kitbash fun to start

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 15
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Kitbash fun to start

Like cutting blancmange with angel delight, i mixed some 50p sprue Wargames Factory dark age bodies with Wargames Atlantic heads, shields and right arms. This gave me 4 more warriors. I had wondered that with the saxon like clothes and the best shields and helmets whether they would pass as a hearth guard group, but looking at them once built, I think I want some mail or heavy leather armour for my hearth guard.

The arms are slightly more heroic scale than the Wargames Factory bodies. I needed to fill the neck with sprue, because the Wargames Atlantic heads are designed to rest on a flat neck piece, rather than the ball joint style of the Wargames Factory minis. I think once painted they will add some fun variety to my force.

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yes they’ll be spot on for hearthguard. Don’t forget to stick a few javelins on them if you have some free

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