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Ultimate Heroquest Painted Core Set

Ultimate Heroquest Painted Core Set

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Time to make a start!

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 12
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So after getting all the replacement parts for the game I started to remove the bases from the models. Gees these models are made with tough plastic. Clippers to remove most of the plastic around the feet was sufficient followed by filing and trimming with a modelling knife.

Now you may be thinking, ‘why not just saw them away with a really fine saw blade’? Well, I did consider this but as you will see from the pictures, the miniatures do not have a lot of their feet showing above the base. I wanted the feet to be in keeping with the chunky and more exaggerated look of the late 80’s early 90’s Citadel minis.

So I shaped the spare plastic below the feet into shoes. I’ll do this for all the minis as I think it’ll make a huge difference to the final look.

Full MonstersFull Monsters
Sculpted foot OrcsesSculpted foot Orcses

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