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Noise marine on massive Display base - Not Wired up Right!

Noise marine on massive Display base - Not Wired up Right!

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Final build in progress and a dodgy camera - lost a lot of build pics!

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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platform made from  Das clay using sand paper for textureplatform made from Das clay using sand paper for texture
Support structure made from wireSupport structure made from wire
Rocks and lava looking goodRocks and lava looking good
Final build in progress and a dodgy camera - lost a lot of build pics!

Lost a whole bunch of build pics – backups kids – its where its at!

Rocks are made from cast plaster

Mould was made from crumpled up tin foil

See here

Lava is woodland scenics water effects, some green stuff balls for bubbles.

Slanesh symbol is made from layered up foamex then carved with a scalpel.

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