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Khorne Dogs [40K 9th Edition]

Khorne Dogs [40K 9th Edition]

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Bloodletters - Highlights and Basing

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Day three and it’s the closing steps.

11. Eyes... I don't know why I decided to do this stage last, it was a disaster! I'll do this stage much earlier for future units11. Eyes... I don't know why I decided to do this stage last, it was a disaster! I'll do this stage much earlier for future units
12. Edge highlights on the gold areas12. Edge highlights on the gold areas
13. Hightlights for all the black parts13. Hightlights for all the black parts
14. Drybrushing on the blades to match the box art.14. Drybrushing on the blades to match the box art.
15. Lighter drybrush for swords15. Lighter drybrush for swords
16. Texture for the bases16. Texture for the bases
Finished model - frontFinished model - front
Finished model - Lloyd shotFinished model - Lloyd shot

Overall I’m happy with how these turned out. The swords themselves I’m not a big fan of so for the next unit I’ll maybe try a bunch of tests. I’ve still got the banner to do and I’m going to try freehand for the first time.


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