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Khorne Dogs [40K 9th Edition]

Khorne Dogs [40K 9th Edition]

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Bloodletters - Base Colours

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Base colours are now down on all ten bloodletters.

Primed in Chaos Black spray. Then:

1. two thin coats over most of the model1. two thin coats over most of the model
2. Claws, horns, spikey bits and swords2. Claws, horns, spikey bits and swords
3. Sword handles and the banner holder's pole3. Sword handles and the banner holder's pole
4. Tongues.4. Tongues.
5. Teefs5. Teefs
6. Sword ends, hilts and metal tips on horns.6. Sword ends, hilts and metal tips on horns.

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