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MadDocStu's Romans

MadDocStu's Romans

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Getting Started - what's in the box and what army can I build out of it?

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 8
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The plastic!

What’s in the box?

Well a lot of plastic.

Plastic crackPlastic crack

In the box you get:
2 x mounted Consuls (single pose)
2 x mounted Generals (single pose)
8 x Cataphracts (assorted mix of 2 poses)
12 x Equites Alares (assorted mix of poses on armoured and unarmoured horses)
8 x Equites Sagitarri (assorted mix of poses)
24 x Armoured infantry (assorted mix of poses; includes 3 command miniatures)
24 x Unarmoured infantry (assorted mix of poses; includes 3 command miniatures)
16 x Archers (single pose)

I got a couple extra infantry (2 armoured and 2 un- armoured) more so that’s nice.

About 10 % of the box was miscast, some worse than others, but the company replaced them with in 2 days of me contacting them – I was impressed with their response.

The Army List

The Army Lists for MeG are all free online along with a lot of pre built lists.

The author of the game put out some army lists to use with the Pacto box, but I thought I’d have a go at my own based on the pre-exisiting list, but aiming to get the maximum amount of use out of all the minis  in the Pacto box.


The list I am buildingThe list I am building

I’ve added the number of men I need for each base of the Tactical Unit Group (TuGs). TuGs are one of two types of unit for the game, there are also Skirmish Unit Groups (SuGs), you can only win by defeating your enemies TuGs.

Each of the TuGs and SuGs in my list have 2 bases each as this is a Pacto list. (Pacto is the same as the larger maximus game, which I’ll work up to, but uses fewer minis and bases).

The Legionnaire TuGs have two bases each. One base of the TuG has three  infantry on it and one base has 4 men on it. In game this represents the fact the Legionnaires can be in close or loose formation (if they are in close formation you put the base with 4 men at the front, it they are in loose formation you put the base with 3 men at the front). Both bases have one archer to represent ‘integral shooters’,  hopefully they’ll put the bow away and grab a sword before they get into melee!

I plan to use armoured infantry as much as possible for the legionaries,  but using some unarmoured ones to keep some armoured men aside to accompany the generals and consuls.

The Auxilia are basically the same as the Legionnaires but without the archers, and I plan  to use the unarmoured infantry for these TuGs.

We have some Equites Catafractarii  (Fully armoured calvary) with 1 base per TuG and 4 calvary per base (these maybe a bit brittle in game so will need to choose their moment carefully!). We also have normal Equites (calvary) with 2 bases per TuG and 3 calvary per base.

The skirmishers start with 2 SuGs or Equites Sagittarii (mounted archers) with 2 bases per SuG and 2 mounted archers per base. Finally we have a couple of SuGs of Archers with 2 bases per SuG and 2 archers per base (just to use the last few minis in the box really).

Now to get started  on the infantry !





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