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Painting Captain Jack

Painting Captain Jack

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Project Entry by dane001

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Painting Captain Jack

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 6
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I picked up John Finch from Footsore miniatures and instantly thought Captain Jack Sparrow so of course that was the way I wanted to paint him.

I of course also needed to watch all the movies so I did that too this week.

Reference Photos


I wanted him to be as close to screen accurate as I could. To be honest I’m more about the rule of cool than being that accurate but I wanted to recognise it was him really.

First was basecoating him, I did this with Wraith Bone so I could use some contrast paints.

Painting Captain Jack

Paints I used

Base Coat: GW Wraith Bone Spray
Eyes: White Scar/Corvus Black
Skin: Contrast Gulliman Flesh
Belts/Hair: Contrast Black Templar
Bandana: Contrast Blood Angels Red
Sash: Army Painter Red tone
Boots: One thin coat of Contrast Wyldwood
Coat: 2 Thick Coats of Contrast Wyldwood
Trousers: 2 Thick Coats of Contrast Wyldwood
Under Shirt: Left as Base Coat
Bottom Cuffs/button holes: Contrast Skeleton Bone
Sword: Leadbelcher/Retributor Gold/Nuln Oil Shade
Buckles: Leadbelcher

Finished Model

Painting Captain Jack

I now need a ship and a crew for him!! I’ve looked and Black Scorpion and also Blood and plunder, I’ll finish a couple of other bits I have and then look properly.

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