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Noise marine on massive Display base - Not Wired up Right!

Noise marine on massive Display base - Not Wired up Right!

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First up - Lava base - learn to sculpt & paint lava

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 13
The plan - Lava - speakers - slanesh symbol - noise marine - simplesThe plan - Lava - speakers - slanesh symbol - noise marine - simples

Sculpting lava options:

Clay, hot glue, pva mixed with sand

Painting options

Drybrushing and washes – try to was light colours into recesses.

Not a great start – probably need to find some tutorials


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zingehorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

The idea of flowing lava strikes me as metal but more of a Khorne thing. Fog machines and strobe lighting, that my friend seems like Slaanesh. Its a good start for testing with the hot glue and then playing about with effects. Keep at it.

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