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Khorne Dogs [40K 9th Edition]

Khorne Dogs [40K 9th Edition]

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Lett-us Begin

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 11
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Like many, I’ve wandered in and out of the world of 40K for years now. I built an Ad Mech army at the beginning of 8th but never got into it and sold the army on. Now with 9th coming out and plenty of hobby time upcoming it seemed like a good time to start over.

Initially I was going to make a Nids army but browsing the GW website for inspiration I saw these good boys

Lett-us Begin

Everything changed. I need me the doggies.

I picked up a box of Bloodletters to start working on a paint scheme. Now I should have realised when there was lots of space to fit my snips in the sprue that this was an old kit.

Lett-us Begin

If there were any doubts though, check out the gaps.

Lett-us Begin

Today was spent filling cracks *snigger* and roughing up the banner a bit. Chaos stuff should be a little grotty.

Tomorrow I’ll get them primed and hopefully start laying down some colour

Lett-us Begin
Lett-us Begin
Lett-us Begin

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Cult of Games Member

For your future projects gaps can also be filled in with glaze medium to take out the weird edge that greenstuff gets in small breaks in the model surface.

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