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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Ghouls

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Ghouls

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Ghouls - Common all garden

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Ghouls - Common all garden
Ghouls - Common all garden

These four basic ghouls rap up the first 18 minis on the first sprue.

I will check the scenarios that involve these minis and see which type is more prevalent and focus on making more of those.

Now I have a concept and a method I imagine any additional minis I need will be easier and faster to complete. I am guessing I will need more basic ghouls with their colourful loin clothes.

I used winter grass and leaves, punched using my Greenstuff World punch, to decorate the base. These basing choices look different enough to help ID them as my basic ghouls but with the same earth flock etc to unify the ghouls overall.

I used some bold citadel base colours for the loin clothes as planned and Blood for the Blood God technical paint on the weapons, with some splash back on the attacking arm to suggest some recent bloodletting.


Ghouls - Common all garden

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