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Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

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"Their father had been as relentless and implacable as a glacier, where Cersei was all wildfire, especially when thwarted."

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Next project is Cersei Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire. The flowing gown will be something of a challenge, but something I’m looking forward to. I also plan on spending much more time on the skin here as she is a Lady at Court and not a warrior on the field of battle or a worker toiling away. Hopefully with a bit of work I could show that off. Due to the scale of the sculpt I don’t think make-up is within my abilities, but we’ll see how I feel when I get to that point.

Mainly as a way of making her distinct from the soldiers, I plan to paint her wearing a gown she is described as wearing in the books as a low-cut deep green in colour. Hopefully I can find enough greens in my collection that are not ‘camo’ greens… The model has some differences, but the following pictures found on the Wiki of Ice and Fire should give a good indicator as to what I’m planning for. I will add some gold here and there to show opulence, but Cersei is supposed to fight in the halls of power and not the muds of the Riverlands.

I really do like these sculpts and the Non Combat Units add a certain layer to the painting side of things that is a nice break; not everything is a war-weary hero constantly fighting. On that note, there is a speech from the books given by Septon Meribald that, for some reason, they left out of the TV series…probably not enough sex appeal…


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