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Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

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Squares AND Circles? Is this peace, or madness?

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Couldn’t find a fitting quote from the books, so I went with this. Thought I’d take the chance to do a small post on the movement trays as they are fun and have some small quirks about them.

First task (after priming) is to give the none textured areas a coat of paint. I used Rhinox Hide, as it closely matched the basing colour I had chosen, but you could paint the lines in a brighter colour to stand out, though, if you'd rather. A pure white would work well for that. I also edges the tray in the same colour because I liked the look, but you could do whatever colour you like. I would recommend painting the slot where the mini sits in a similar colour to your basing, though. While it doesn't matter with a single mini like Grey Wind, here, for the larger units when a model is removed it probably looks better for the tray to not have large white circle appearing in the ground.First task (after priming) is to give the none textured areas a coat of paint. I used Rhinox Hide, as it closely matched the basing colour I had chosen, but you could paint the lines in a brighter colour to stand out, though, if you'd rather. A pure white would work well for that. I also edges the tray in the same colour because I liked the look, but you could do whatever colour you like. I would recommend painting the slot where the mini sits in a similar colour to your basing, though. While it doesn't matter with a single mini like Grey Wind, here, for the larger units when a model is removed it probably looks better for the tray to not have large white circle appearing in the ground.
Next was an application of a texture paint. If you want to use sand or other basing materials then you could do this step first then paint over the whole base, you just have to be careful not to obscure the lines and the triangle for gaming purposes. Also, if you used a lighter colour and wanted to shade it down a bit, do so after this step.Next was an application of a texture paint. If you want to use sand or other basing materials then you could do this step first then paint over the whole base, you just have to be careful not to obscure the lines and the triangle for gaming purposes. Also, if you used a lighter colour and wanted to shade it down a bit, do so after this step.
Next up a simple drybursh. I was rather careful here to not overspill, but if you do get some on the corners of the tray just touch it up with the colour you used to paint it. I tried to stear clear of the edges of the lines, too, to help them blend in a bit more, because that's a style I personally like more, but if you want more contrast, the drybrush can be used to add some bright edges here and there.Next up a simple drybursh. I was rather careful here to not overspill, but if you do get some on the corners of the tray just touch it up with the colour you used to paint it. I tried to stear clear of the edges of the lines, too, to help them blend in a bit more, because that's a style I personally like more, but if you want more contrast, the drybrush can be used to add some bright edges here and there.
Then add your finishing touches, just some grass here and there for me, and it's ready for the table. You could add a shine to the edge with some gloss varnish, and I may do that at a later date, but getting Grey Wind from delivery to finished in under 24 hours is a new record for me. I'd never be able to manage a whole army in 24 hours...I'll leave that to the experts.Then add your finishing touches, just some grass here and there for me, and it's ready for the table. You could add a shine to the edge with some gloss varnish, and I may do that at a later date, but getting Grey Wind from delivery to finished in under 24 hours is a new record for me. I'd never be able to manage a whole army in 24 hours...I'll leave that to the experts.

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