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Neves1789's Wargaming Collection

Neves1789's Wargaming Collection

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Kings of War - Abyssal Dwarves

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

Below are my Abyssal Dwarves for Kings of War. After a few years of hording those models left and right, the release of KoW v3 seemed like a good opportunity to get these guys painted up.The rubble on the bases was made with a rolling pin and some clay.

I used following speedpainting scheme;

•Zenithal priming
•Overall wash with a dark grey (Vallejo Panzer Tank Crew Black thinned with a bit of water and matt medium) This paint also contains some brown tones that come out when washing. This helps with the overall rust look.
•Selective stippling with Typhus Corrosion
•Rust washes (GW Firedragon Bright and Trollslayer orange)
•Bright silver drybrush (Vallejo Air Chrome)
•Colour in clothing with purple (GW Naggaroth Night), layer it up in 2 steps by adding more white.
•Colour in flesh tone (Vallejo Basic Skintone), purple ink wash, rehighlight
•Orc faces with Game Colour Scruff green, layered up in 2 steps by adding white.
•Green tufts on the bases for some added colour and contrast.

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neves1789kharegim Recent comment authors
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These look absolutely amazing! Great job! I absolutely love abyssal dwarves if my display pic didn’t give it away, you’ve done really well with these darker tones!

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