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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Lord Arblemarch

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Lord Arblemarch

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Ranger points to spend

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 8
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Ranger points to spend

To make a Ranger you are given 10 points to spend. Without giving you the complete rules breakdown on how that works (Buy the rule book, the game is great) I will just say how they were allocated.

I was conscious that he will be a heavily armoured Ranger, much like my other hardened veteran Archibald the Grim. So I was conscious that he needed to be different and that the warband should include a conjurer, so I get to experience that element of the game too.

  • 2 Points on improving the opening Ranger stat line (+1 Move and +1 Fight)
  • 3 point on skills (This allows 8 skills per Ranger Point to have a +1 during test rolls.) In keeping with an older Ranger I chose – Ancient Lore +3, Armoury +3, Leadership +3, Navigation +3, Perception +1, Read Runes +3, Stealth +1, Strength +1, Track +3 and Traps +3.)
  • 4 Points on Heroic abilities, that are usually once per scenario buffs (Parry – to add +10 Fight to win a combat (but not inflict damage), Powerful Blow – to add +3 to damage to a successful attack, Frenzied Attack – To add a +5 Fight to a combat result before rolling and Shove – an option to increase a 1″ pushback into a 4″.)
  • 1 point on recruitment, to improve my companion Recruitment Points by 10 points to 110.

I also gave my Ranger a sword, heavy armour and a shield.

The Ranger’s back story is that Lord Gulliver Arblemarch is a very senior member, in age and authority, of the Rangers Order. Even though many of the King’s advisors were against the move, his lordship insisted that he be freed from his role at court and sent to support his rangers in the frontline. He has a sense of duty only rivalled by the young king he serves, but admits to himself that this return to active duty is not just an operational necessity. The lord wants a chance to prove that his standing and privilege have not softened him and that he’s not too old to be an effective ranger in the field. His eyesight, his hearing and his old warwounds have only dulled the blade a little. Lord Arblemarch is still more effective in a fight than half the men in the ranks of the armies of Alladore, some of them 25 years his junior. You don’t get to be a leader of the Rangers Order without having a long and decorated career in the shadowy elite unit.

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