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Gian's Mini Madness

Gian's Mini Madness

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Warploque Halfling Warband

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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My painting habits are a bit odd, the only army I truly collect are Chaos for 40k and formally loyalist marines and these tend to only get painted during the summer months  for the ETL over on Bolter and Chainsword, with the rest of the year being used for building Chaos marines and painting individual minis I like. Due to COVID, however, the ETL has been postponed and so the first squad I’ve painted up for the year for once have not been wearing power armour.


These mini’s landed at my doorstep a few month’s back but due to other commitments I was only able to get round to them now. These really are a cool set of minis, the main thing I noticed about these minis is the lack of fillers each Halfling feels like his own unique character. Warploque have also come up with some really cool background, with the Halflings pushing into the forests of Mildaark and coming up against all sorts of creatures. I attempted to convey this woodland background on the bases especially with undergrowth and fallen trees.

So it wasn’t until after I’d finished the models that I realised the gold the leader has his foot on actually a sack of gold not a pot which is what I’d painted it as (guess it’s my inner Irish assuming it’s a pot of gold).

Got to say I’m getting a very Samwise vibe off this fellow.

Warploque Halfling Warband

And finally the whole gang ready to go exploring in the woods. Next on the painting bench is some of the Spartans from Mythic Battles or a Dwarf from an old Oathsworn kick starter.

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Andrew Morris Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

That’s Great warband of halflings done really well. I’m looking forward to getting hold of some myself. Enjoying the posts your putting up really are providing some ideas ???

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