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Caverns Deep

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Changing document setup

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 10
Changing document setup

Now the rules are nearing a stable state I think it is time to take it from the word processor to the publishing software. This means a few things.

1). The rules are currently in what I consider a stable state, some statistical changes may still need to be made but the rules themselves aren’t going to be altered drastically.

2). The layout of the document can be altered in a more flexible manner, this doesn’t sound like much but basically what this means is that I’m no longer limited by the predetermined document templates that the word processors uses. In effect this allowed me to compress the main rules from 4 A5 pages into 1 A4, halfling the page count.

3). Editing documents is going to be more of a pain now, basically more manual labor to do the same stuff as in the word processor. Though more manual control.

4). There will be 2 rule branches.

  • The alpha branch which consists of all the booklets bundled into the same document, including both finished and unfinished rules.
  • The beta branch which consists of the booklets that are in a mechanically stable state and unlikely to change drastically, with exception of mathematical adjustments. Each of these booklets will be released in separate documents.


In the next update I hope to do some editing and depending on how things go some graphical work on the player booklet to hopefully make the document more pleasing to read and look at. Another thing to do is releasing a printer friendly version as I imagine the current version being quite a ink hog. The monster compendium will probably get integrated into a 2 page GM booklet to add a few hooks and aids to play the game with.

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Arloidlimburgervladvondrak Recent comment authors
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Reading through it both on here and discord. You refer to dice. Needs an explanation as to which dice you are using. Ie. D6 d4 d20 etc.

Cult of Games Member

I think it he’s using ‘standard’ D6’s, because that kind of makes sense for the skill tests.

Also camping rules would suggest that you’d be ‘safe’ with a guard, light/fire and restricted access to your campsite. Using a D10 would mean that you could never be safe from roaming monsters while resting.
OTOH … that could be part of the setting.

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