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366 in 2020 - A Hobby Pledge (NSFW)

366 in 2020 - A Hobby Pledge (NSFW)

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Jaberwock and Ancient Eldar 93/366

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’m a long way behind with updates.  This is partly down to struggling with the lighting rig in my photo booth.  Most of these are horibly over exposed due to having the lights setup badly.  Firstly a Jaberwock from Ral Partha.  I thought I go for a mini painted entirely in Contrast paints.  I chickened out in the end and did a drybrush and a couple of other finishing touches in regular paints but this is basically all contrasts and I’m pretty happy with the results.

Next up we have some Eldar.  First the Eldar Merchant from the very first Rogue Trader release.  Then some Eldar Rangers from the first Eldar release.  These have been combined with some Andromedans by Reaper and the most up to date Eldar sculpt, the Ranger from Blackstone Fortress.

And everyone together.

Jaberwock and Ancient Eldar 93/366

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