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Slaaneshi Love.. with more tentacles

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Building tension in ways not uncomfortable

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I’ve decided to create a cool display with this figure that I tripped over again in browsing Fleabay. I think that there is potential in creating a Bluetooth display base speaker with all sorts of cool elements and not just the boring one I saw on Yes, I said boring as I’m a baser and the Chaos elements are lost on this piece. Yeah sure there are skulls on a speaker that’s painted very well. There is more that can be done because “More is More!”.

So I look at the speaker and think there are round speakers that can be converted. The problem comes to mind that there are issues of material durability and the resonance. Long ago and far away I remember having to make a musical instrument for a science lesson on molar weight and density. I don’t know if I should delve so deep into the science of resin mass. I really don’t want to bother with when the designing will be difficult enough so I won’t. Though I will keep it as a background thought.

So back to Thinkercad I will go to create a shell on which I will build skulls and other defiled elements. I might do some kitbashing for writhing bodies as the idea struck me recently as something neat to try and create. This comes from some of the stuff I’ve seen from Wyrd and all the distorted figures that might be useful if only for reference. I’ll need to find some line of figures to use as dollies for sculpting if I do. Ugh… the ideas just don’t stop.

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