144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate
Dark Lord in the Tower
…and the Dark Lord’s Tower set is complete and it was a big one. Well, big in that it had a lot of parts, everything from a summoning circle to cobwebs to traps that deter any overly curious would be heroes. As I was assembling the parts I realized I had already painted the dark altar and packed it away. It has now rejoined the rest of the set to mollify my OCD tendencies and can be seen in the photos. I think the raven on his stand is one of my favorite details.
The all white Temple set is finished and will be posted as soon as I photograph it as I am rather pleased with one of the Holy Books. That leaves two Campsite sets and the Throne Room to finish off and their parts are all on the painting table right now. I have a solid idea of what to paint on the hanging tapestry but am still undecided (hard to believe) as to what will go on the two framed paintings.
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