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Flagitum, Flagitum!

Flagitum, Flagitum!

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Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 5
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A big box of plastic... and rulesA big box of plastic... and rules

This seemed a good starting point, I’m aware the Warlord Romans and Celts have certain issues (being 12 year old sculpts, and if I recall correctly, Warlord’s first plastic kits), the Romans are a touch short and squat, and the multipose Celts, have a couple of poses that look really uncomfortable.

Having the Hail Caesar rulebook in there is nice.  Should I ever buy a multitude of ancient toys then it’s another system I can play.

Although a few of my friends are also buying into this game, I decided to do 2 forces.  This is because I can then have games at home with my children.


So first purchase was made.  More have followed (bases from Warbases, more toys as well) but they’ll be in a later post

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As someone who has been painting Celts recently, looking forward to seeing your progress!

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