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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Spring Clean final

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 10
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So, here is my final post within the time frame of the Spring Clean Challenge.  First to say a thank you to those who made recommendations (quite surprised, to be honest!) and to the comments, all appreciated.

Did I do everything I hoped? No. Life sometimes gets in the way, but without the challenge, I doubt I would even have resurrected these armies, and even now there are sufficient forces for a decent game.

Here is a picture of the models from the rear. The Scottish are to the Left and the English to the Right. Although in the period, both sides fought within their countries and well as against each other.  So it’s a flexible period for mixing up armies as both sides were similarly armed and uniformed.

From the rear, cavalry, infantry and gunsFrom the rear, cavalry, infantry and guns

The next two pictures show the respective nationalities from the front.  As the challenge progressed, I found that I was more inclined to try out some simply “diorama” on the bases. No figure removal, so it’s possible.  Works best with smaller groups of figures, e.g. Highlanders or artillery.  I’ll continue to work on father bases and for the Dragoons will have a mixed base of Cavalry and Foot in a diorama setting.

And finally some work in progress. Apart from these I have quite a lot still to do.  Approximately 7 infantry bases, 8 Cavalry and another 3/4 artillery.  In addition I have more Command bases, and the differently base coated infantry figures will become “disruption” markers eventually.  I’ve also started to make some buildings (one complete in the main picture another two WiP).

So, thanks again to all who took an interest. It was a fun project and I’ll post further pictures as units are completed

A tiny sample of the WiPA tiny sample of the WiP

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