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Lothar’s Expendables

Lothar’s Expendables

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Scenario 2: Round 5

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Lothar orders Gregori up too the next nearest cocoon, while he nears the final nest tree, brandishing a torch as he goes.

The venom zombie attacks Gibberish but missing clumsily she forces him back giving Squint a clear shot – this time the near sighted archer finds his mark and kills the unfortunate former villager. He then moves to within command range of Lothar and is rapidly joined by Slink.

Quartermain tears open the last remaining cocoon to reveal that the victim it contains has unfortunately died. He moves to join Gibberish, who is moving to protect him and Gregori.

The survivors move closer together. 

Event: A ray of light beams down into the gloom of the clearing but has no effect.

Round 5: The last tree is in sightRound 5: The last tree is in sight

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