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Lothar’s Expendables

Lothar’s Expendables

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Scenario 2: Round 4

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Lothar quickly moves to attack the spider that has just fallen and kills it with one mighty blow. Squint moves to the nearest nest tree and sets it ablaze.

The venom zombie attacks Gregori who manages to fight it off stepping back a little to give his comrades a shot at shooting it, or room to retreat.

Quartermain frees another survivor from a cocoon.

Gregori beats a retreat from the venom zombie giving Gibberish the room she needs to move  and attack it, doing 3 hp to it.

Slink moves to another nest tree and it joins the others in becoming a roaring beacon of burning webs and spiderlings. 

The freed villagers unite and start looking for a way to leave for safety.

Round 4: The fight is on, but victory looks within Lothar’s graspRound 4: The fight is on, but victory looks within Lothar’s grasp

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