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Lothar’s Expendables

Lothar’s Expendables

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Scenario 2: Round 3

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Lothar moves within striking distance of a cocoon and the first nest tree. Squint moves to engage the spider attacking Gibberish providing her with support. Gibberish takes immediate advantage killing the last spider with one blow and then moves up to join Lothar, she is followed by Squint loping along behind her.

The two freed villagers move closer to each other to provide some support if needed.

Gregori moves to the next cocoon but as he tears it open a venom zombie frees itself falling to the side and then standing to menace the inexperienced recruit.

Slink sees she cannot reach Gregori to assist in time so leaving the young one to his fate she set fire to the first nest tree she reaches.

Event: A spider drops from one of the nest trees.

Round 3: The last spider falls but another springs from the nestRound 3: The last spider falls but another springs from the nest

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