Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)
The Conqueror Worm is Born!
Strange how all the agonising over how to handle this large mini ended with such a simple solution. I had decided on the direction I wanted to take it, and stayed the course but still had a few moments towards the end thinking my pallete was to small for this to be complete. After zenithing I used some Art Spectrum White Opaque Ink, Badger Opaque Yellow Ink, and Holcroft Melon India Ink to create the orages. There were a few moments where I dabbed in a little Flash Gitz or Wild Rider (great colour matches to the ink) to hep control flow. A little Art Spectrum Burnt Sienna glaze over to darken some areas and a final Abbadon Black drybrush to the extremities to char.
Nice work on the worm! I dig it 🙂
Thanks schnitzel
Turned out lovely, well done! A great dramatic glow.