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Monkey Business As Unusual

Monkey Business As Unusual

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Finding pokey bits

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Sitting around at dinner I’ve found that I was happily given opportunity to reuse material for hobby time. Bamboo kabob skewers are perfect stand-ins for the rickety structures and spear-like things we see in King Kong that keep the great ape at bay (as flimsy as they are would they really work?). At scale they’re about 3/4 the thickness of the bones that the figure holds so they would be rather formidable against a being that size.

Considering all this there needs to be a base for the whole thing. *cracks knuckles and leans back to kick his feet up with fingers interlaced behind his head* I got that covered. I picked up a resin disk about 55mm in diameter and 15mm tall to hold onto for some large figure in future and here it seems to be. The increase in detail for my display bases has been slowly building. I can generally get to a point and call it good with a 28mm mini throwing down a few things. This project, among a growing number, is my becoming a showcase of how crazy one can get with the environment for a mini.

I still have things that I can do yet for making jaw dropping displays but I lack time/resources/space to do so. I am in awe and envious of a Youtuber that goes by the handle Squidmar. I love his work and hate that I have clumsy hands when it comes to making the great masterpieces I see. Agh! Enough about that and back to the not-Chaos pain inflicting pointy things.

Here I’ve put down a couple layers of cork board to give variable height and will affix it with the two part epoxy JB Weld. This stuff will not be coming apart anytime soon short of heavy machinery. Its touted as being able to repair car radiators. I just need it to hold a few parts together without fear. This should be good as I do fill in work later.

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