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Manda's (Amachan) 3D Printing Adventures

Manda's (Amachan) 3D Printing Adventures

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Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 9
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A couple more prints, 2 Bushwackers for Battletech, a T3-M4 from Star Wars and a couple of 28mm scaled rubber ducks. Unfortunately I oversupported the feet and some parts of the feet on the mechs broke off as I was trying to remove the supports. Trial & error, trial & error, I’ll get there.

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I like to tell you something about the post-curing method I use. I have little tub with a basket in it. After I use it to clean the resin, I change the water to cold and clean water and put the miniatures with the basket in there. I then put my UV light on top and let it cure for a couple of minutes. I then take the basket out flip the models around and repeat once more. After that I just let them dry in the open air.

This video has taught me about water curing, what it is and why it works. I would recommend you have a look as well.

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