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Monkey Business As Unusual

Monkey Business As Unusual

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The Ape of Wrath

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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A typical Tuesday with a Trex topperA typical Tuesday with a Trex topper

I saw this figure in a FLGS that I frequent on trips an hour away from home as it has some of the best selection of stuff when I browse at random. I thought that it would be a great jungle build project to get to as I have so many ferns that will be on hand when I complete “Marumba Marumba! Jungle Jungle Jungle!”. The repetition of aged deadfall and exploring open space with branches/foliage seemed fun. I might go the route of the 2005 feature King Kong and put in primitive wooden palisades strapped with all sorts of human skulls or skeletons. Its always playtime with letting these things ruminate in the brain a while before committing to the build.

I considered keeping the hat but honestly I’ll be dropping it from my work since it just seems to detract from the gorilla’s distinctive skull shape and all the detail that went into the sculpt. I’ve already had a thought about where to go with other bits and bobs to sculpt additionally to the figure for interest. Magic the Gathering has been a little bit of a help in this manner.

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Cult of Games Member

He looks brilliant.?

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