13th Armoured Division Sable Knights - Commander Glofski’s Squadron
The final stretch for the Spring Clean 2020 WIP
With one week to go, I’ve settle on a realistic goal to get the five tanks finally finished and mounted and hopefully good enough for the table top. So, here are the final WIP shots in actions.
I’ve completed the bases with the same smorgasbord of colours and washes but maintaining an dark urban rubble theme. With a dusting of Forge World Light Rust weathering powder on the bases and tanks, I think it actually works quite well at marrying the two things together.
Water effects again were created with generous dollops of Citadel ‘ardcoat, but to get the flowing water out of one of the pipes, I cut down the transparent support strut from a flying base and liberally covered in ‘ardcoat.
Finishing jobs to do:
1) Commissar Tank Banner Painting – it’s been constructed with a Bretonnian knight’s banner and a banner top cut from 40k old scenery accessories of a skull with eagle wings. It’s based painted black at the moment but needs colours and transfers.
2) Finish highlights of baggage hanging from turrets.
3) Decide if I need to or have time to add a couple more crew riding the tanks.
4) Get some better photos of the finished final five to upload.
5) Develop the backstory for Commander Glofski.
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