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Bobs Fictional Countries

Bobs Fictional Countries

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ACa'vs update and more!

Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Using the now well practiced grey camo scheme I finished the ACAV’s on thing about these models is they had flat areas big enough to used some of the Hammers Slammers names that came with the crest sheilds.

ACa'vs update and more!
ACa'vs update and more!

Way back when this project started I brought 4  Zveda Bradleys (nice to see today that Battlefront have brought them out for Americans update, though surprised they didnt do the Soviets 1st, no doubt John will do a video on it at some point ) . Two I  did for the forgotten Mercians , the final 2  I decided to do as trial vehicles for the Mallots.

ACa'vs update and more!
ACa'vs update and more!

Then I did my favourites Helecopters , I did one Cobra and 2 Bo 115’s (they are cute for a certain version of cute)

I have also done a 2nd company of Leopard 2 and plan another company of 1’s when they turn up .

ACa'vs update and more!
ACa'vs update and more!

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