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The Belons fantasy box

The Belons fantasy box

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Movement trays

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 6
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Movement trays

Spent this morning making magnetic movement trays.

they are a sandwitch of plasticard, magnetic sheet and felt.

the magnetic sheet is self adhesive so sticks on without the need for glue.

the plasticard left a white edge so i just ran around it with a sharpie marker.

i added the felt to hopefully stop the trays from sliding on the table top.

there is nothing more annoying than your army slowely sliding down a hill mid game.

the warmaster size will take 8x 10mm bases which should look pretty cool in the table top.

i have made the mini hammer bases 50mm x 50mm if i need to go bigger i can just put them side by side or make some more as they take no time at all.

when i get some more magnetic sheet i am going to make some kings of war size trays, i found a conversion to mini kings of war online.

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