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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Captain Fletcher

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Captain Fletcher

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The skilled men of the Good Ship Peerless

Tutoring 9
Skill 14
Idea 11
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The skilled men of the Good Ship Peerless
The skilled men of the Good Ship Peerless

I forgot that I can give each companion 3 skill points as they sign up. So…

Quartermaster O’Morchoe… 3+ Armoury (He knows where everything is, how it works and where they buried the body of the last person that tried to mess with his storage system.)

First Mate Cicatrix… 3+ Ancient Lore (Not just old war stories but, “During the war…”)

Sea Artist Crun-Bannister… 3+ Navigation (Goes with the title. ?)

Bosun Hancock… +3 Survival (Often being on shore parties, land based raids and standing in as the surgeon’s support Aloysius knows his herbs and his tourniquets and his survival skills.)

Gunner Blaidd… 3+ Tracking (An upbringing based around hunting and trapping prey has often been of use to his captain and has been honed as a point of pride for him.)

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